Thursday, December 29, 2011


There was a man who seemed to be in more than a bit of a fix for a long time now. He's got a mean supervisor at work, but it was the work he really wanted so he stayed. His wife got sick with diabetes at such a young age and the medical bills started to pile up. His children were doing good in school, but he has to find a school that's not so expensive because later in the year, he just couldn't keep up with the bills. He's got a good family, and he's got good friends, and being humble he never acknowledged that this was because he's a good man. He just knew these to be blessings so he was thankful in his prayers. Life should be happier in all sense. But he still has no money, and things are getting worse.

One day, there was a tropical storm and rains hit roofs really hard for a day and two. Suddenly, flood was ravaging the city and water came very fast. The man and his family run up the second floor of their house, but water reached that, too. And then they climbed up the roof.

And while his wife and kids were being drenched by rain that hit hard on the face, while they all hugged each other because of the cold, while they cried... so scared because there is no sign of rescue, the man couldn't help but cry out.
"Lord, I have been honest to you! I have followed your advice. I love my neighbor as I love myself. I love you more than anything or anyone else! I've always been honest and thankful in my prayers! But now, my family is in the worst danger I've ever seen anyone face! What have I done wrong? Save us! Make this go away!" Seeing his wife's pale face, his kids shivering, he threw his shame to the wind and added, "And make me a millionaire! I will buy a new house in a high place and buy the business so I can get rid of my nasty boss! Amen!"
They huddled in the roof for more than an hour more, shivering, waiting. Suddenly, the rain stopped. Flood went down little by little until they deemed it safe to go down the second floor of the house. Water slowly went down still, and the next day showed the terrible catastrophe the flood has left in its wake. 

A lot of people were killed, a lot of houses destroyed. As he and his family cleaned their house of soaked furniture and dirt and useless things, the man, ever thankful and sober, went down to his knees on the muddy floor and prayed to thank the Lord that his family was still complete.

The next day, he won the lottery.

And before the month was over, he's bought a new house in high ground where the ground was solid and water wouldn't flow in its natural route to find the sea. And he bought the business where he worked but he did not get rid of his former nasty supervisor because he has family, and because anyway, as the new boss, he can control him with an eagle eye and punish him if he deemed it fit. Of course, being a sensible man this was something he does not do without cause. So the mean supervisor couldn't make anyone under him suffer again. He brought his wife to doctors so she could be better treated, and he transferred his children to a better school.

And then he prayed on the carpeted floor of his new bedroom, a little overwhelmed still because he's not been that rich. He prayed and he thanked the Lord for the new blessing, a little bewildered. What has made his Lord changed his fate?

And then he realized, with the epiphany of someone who'd suddenly waked, that in all of his prayers and all of his hymns, of all the things that he'd asked the Lord in his entire life, until that day that he'd prayed in the roof of his old house he had never thrown all his worries to the wind, and  BELIEVED his faith would suffice.



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